Longer School Days = Higher Levels of Learning

At Invictus Academy of Richmond, we prepare 100% of our students to thrive at the college of their choice, solve relevant problems, and communicate with confidence. One of the ways we do this is by utilizing non-traditional learning models such as extended hours on campus.

With longer school days, we are able to include more diverse activities and vary our style of learning throughout the day as compared to the norm. Each student has additional time in their school day to focus on academics, advisory, and student clubs as well as designated time for personalized instruction in math and reading. The additional time in our school day allows us to build in these offerings, which provide mentoring, academic support, and extracurricular activities, in a way that would be difficult with a shorter day.

Invictus student working on a personal laptop for coursework.

Harvard-backed Research Led us to In-Person Results

After visiting the top performing schools across the country and reviewing Harvard-backed research, we have found that students who spend more time on tasks retain more information and experience a very positive effect with respect to academic outcomes. This is one of many program design features we have taken from both the prevailing academic research on strong school design and from the best schools in the country. With many students having had challenging experiences during distance learning, we believe the value of this extended day may be higher than ever as we return to in-person learning in the Fall.

Invictus Students team up to work together in class.

Invictus school hours are 8:30am to 3:45pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday with minimum days on Thursday (8:30am to 2:00pm). When we founded Invictus, we spent time in conversations with local families to make sure we focused on their goals for our students. This revealed a consistent desire for more variety in program offerings, which is only possible with a longer school day. 

Our results showing higher levels of learning come from the NWEA MAP Exam which we use to track student progress. This is a national norm-referenced exam taken by thousands of students around the country. By administering this exam in the Fall, Winter, and Spring, we are able to measure each student’s growth throughout each school year. Since Invictus’s founding, the data have shown that no matter where students start with us, they grow their academic knowledge and skills at a faster rate than most students in their grade level around the country. We are incredibly proud of this!

Students’ Curiosities Lift the Class

Our highly trained teachers frequently check for student comprehension using partner and group work so that the ‘lift’ of the class is on the students. Curiosity, inquisitiveness, and discourse are all celebrated and cultivated throughout our educational system. Discussions, debates, and hands-on learning methods are key to the higher levels of education we deliver at Invictus.

Invictus Students team up to work together in class.

Everyone learns differently therefore varying the method of class engagement increases knowledge retention. Between partner shares, cold calling, ‘everyone writes,’ and time spent using technology, our students receive a customized and free public education. These strategies ensure students must learn actively, not passively. In addition, these instructional techniques help teachers ensure student understanding is strong before moving onto a new topic or concept, ensuring students stay on track.

Begin your student’s journey with Invictus today. Enrolling Now for Grades 7-10.
Information available on grades 11 & 12 for interested families.


Invictus Academy of Richmond prepares 100% of students in grades 7-12 to thrive in the colleges of their choice, solve relevant problems, and communicate with confidence. Founded in 2018 with a dedication to uplifting students in the Richmond, CA community, Invictus earned recognition in 2020 for its students making some of the strongest academic growth in the country during the pandemic, as measured by NWEA MAP data in the BES Network. Start your student’s journey with our excellent teachers, systems of emotional and academic learning, peer tutoring, and parent partnership by visiting us at www.invictusofrichmond.org

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