Current Results and Data
We know that selecting a school for your child is a huge decision. We hope the resources below help you learn more about Invictus, and our team would be happy to connect with you over the phone if you have any questions or need more information.
We are the Top Performing local Charter School serving middle and high school students!
Below is our data on the California state assessments compared to the district average and local charter schools serving similar grade levels. Proficiency on these assessments indicate that a student is on track to be ready for college and career by 12th grade.
Results and Data: Through the Years
2022 SBAC School Wide Results
Invictus students scored higher than other students in local schools on the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium on both Math and English Language Arts. Even after coming back from remote learning, Invictus Academy saw an increase in test scores as other schools experienced declines.
Students outperformed in the Math SBAC in comparison to their peers from neighboring public and charter schools.
English Language Arts
Over 40% of Invictus students met or exceeded proficient level on the ELA SBAC, higher than the West Contra Costa Unified School District average.