Back to School...Safely

Learning in person at Invictus. Honoring COVID-19 safety protocols, CPHD and CDC guidelines for K-12 schools.

We have returned to school safely for the Fall of 2021 at Invictus Academy of Richmond. Returning in person is the best option for the vast majority of families and students. We do encourage all families to return in person, however we are also providing an independent study option for families who request it. At Invictus, we are maintaining frequent communication with all families to offer support during these uncertain times and hope to alleviate any fear or concerns that they may have. Safety is our priority as we welcome students to join us for a new year.


Health, Sanitation & Great Ventilation

Our campus at Invictus is well suited for safety amidst COVID 19. We have an installed AC and ventilation system to keep our air clean and circulating well. Our new location includes portable classrooms which means our students spend much of their time outdoors. In addition to the air quality solutions we have implemented, cleaning and sanitizing classrooms and shared spaces happens frequently, so the time we do spend indoors together is experienced in safety.

In the Spring of 2021, we instituted a vaccine requirement for all staff, mandating that only staff with a qualified religious or medical exemption may be unvaccinated and work at Invictus. This way, we are able to improve staff attendance and reduce the frequency and need for quarantine periods. All staff at Invictus maintain respect for the individual choices of our students and their families as we navigate these fluctuating times together.

Vaccines & Universal Masking 

Being in this together means we are providing compassionate support, social/emotional check ins, and are available for the real conversations as they are needed. The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offer extensive information and guidelines for in-person learning. Click the links in the previous sentence for great FAQ’s from these organizations. Both websites are regularly updated with the latest details.

We are following the CPHD and CDC guidelines for K-12 schools, including universal masking and maximizing distancing to the extent practical. Our classes are small (average class size of 24 students) so there's greater attention per student to COVID protocols and greater opportunities to meet distancing requirements. To ensure students mask throughout the day, we have assigned extra supervisory staff to monitor classes at Invictus and assign an automatic lunchtime reflection for each student who breaches a COVID safety protocol (i.e. removing their mask).

Addressing Learning Loss

Due to our great teachers, systems of support, and strong relationships, Invictus earned recognition in 2020 for our students making some of the strongest academic growth in the country during the pandemic, as measured by NWEA MAP data in the BES Network. This year with all the solutions we have implemented, we believe it will be even better. 

We've shrunk our classes to give greater support to each student, we have an extended school day to expand the variety and depth of courses our students take, and we use diagnostic assessments to identify learning gaps so we can close them. We added in additional teaching aides and support staff, allowing us to offer more individualized attention and help, as well as expand our offering of clubs. This way, we give our students more support in addressing social and emotional learning loss.

Distance Learning

While we encourage students to return to in-person schooling, we respect the decisions of each family. To meet the needs of students who request to learn from home, we've provided an independent study option. Our distance learning (independent study) students receive the audio of their classes and turn in work online. We are dedicated to our Parent Partnership and stay in close communication with all families with weekly reports and both positive and constructive calls home.

It’s not too late to join us! Begin your student’s journey at Invictus. Enroll your 7th - 10th grader today.

Information available on grades 11 & 12 for interested families.


Invictus Academy of Richmond prepares 100% of students in grades 7-12 to thrive in the colleges of their choice, solve relevant problems, and communicate with confidence. Founded in 2018 with a dedication to uplifting students in the Richmond, CA community, Invictus earned recognition in 2020 for its students making some of the strongest academic growth in the country during the pandemic, as measured by NWEA MAP data in the BES Network. Start your student’s journey with our excellent teachers, systems of emotional and academic learning, peer tutoring, and parent partnership by visiting us at

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